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Product Specification

Product Name:Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change
Product SKU:71204-01
Revision Date:2024-07-24

Product Overview


Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change characterizes the extent of and change over time of vegetation cover, and is related to measurements of ground cover, biomass, and leaf area index. This product utilizes a precision-aligned orthomosaic derived from high-resolution RGB imagery and measurement of canopy cover from a previous image capture date.

Recommended Use Cases

  • Seed Vigor
  • Plant Uniformity
  • Stand Quality
  • Plant Growth
  • Biomass
  • Canopy Development
  • Leaf Area Index
  • Radiation Interception
  • Canopy Senescence
  • Crop Health
  • Crop Stress
  • Nutrient Status
  • Disease
  • Water Stress
  • Plot Quality
  • Plot Deactivation
  • Area of Interest Variability
  • Temporal Trend

Supported Crops

  • Any Crop

Deliverables Summary

  • Mosaic RGB Precision Aligned
  • Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change


General Requirements

  • Requires Plot Project Setup (71200-00)
  • Requires Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity (71204-00) or Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change (71204-01) from a previous date
  • Imagery collected following all "Data Capture Requirements"
  • Imagery uploaded to the FieldAgent Field created by Plot Project Setup (71200-00)
  • Contract Defined - Mosaic Based submitted for "Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change (71204-01)" for uploaded Survey

Data Capture Requirements

Imagery Type

  • RGB

Ground Sample Distance

  • Less than 0.5cm (Early-Season Canopy Cover and Crop Emergence)
  • Less than 1.8cm (Mid- to Late- Season Canopy Cover)

Timing by Crop

Crop Timing/Growth StagePlant Size
Any CropEarly Season; Mid- to Late- SeasonAny

Flight Specifications

Early-Season Canopy Cover and Crop Emergence
SensorAltitudeSpeedOverlapFlight DirectionBufferHeadingGimbal PitchTerrain Informed
Double 4K (Ag+)50ft (16m)6mph (3m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Double 4K (Multispectral)50ft (16m)6mph (3m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
6X70ft (21m)6mph (3m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
6X Thermal70ft (21m)6mph (3m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Phantom 4 Pro50ft (16m)4mph (2m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Phantom 4 RTK50ft (16m)4mph (2m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Zenmuse X4S50ft (16m)4mph (2m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Zenmuse X5S50ft (16m)4mph (2m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Mavic 2 Pro50ft (16m)3mph (1.5m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Mavic 3 Enterprise50ft (16m)6mph (3m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
65R150ft (46m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Zenmuse P1 (35mm)100ft (30m)10mph (5m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)On
Mid- to Late- Season Canopy Cover
SensorAltitudeSpeedOverlapFlight DirectionBufferHeadingGimbal PitchTerrain Informed
Double 4K (Ag+)200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Double 4K (Multispectral)200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
6X200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
6X Thermal200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Mavic 3 Enterprise200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Phantom 4 Pro200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Phantom 4 RTK200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Zenmuse X4S200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Zenmuse X5S200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Mavic 2 Pro200ft (60m)14mph (6m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Zenmuse P1 (35mm)400ft (120m)22mph (10m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
65R400ft (120m)22mph (10m/s)75%Any40ft (12m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Very small plot trials may require increased overlap, increased buffer, and/or decreased altitude to ensure a minimum of 6 flight passes over the trial.

Environmental Conditions

Imagery should be captured between the time of 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset. Consistent lighting conditions required for best results, including avoidance of hard shadows cast over the field which cause bright spots and dark spots in the dataset.
Wind conditions should be within the specified limits of the aircraft or system being used to carry the imaging sensor.
There should be no active precipitation during imagery capture.



Mosaic RGB Precision Aligned (82001-01)
Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change (83002-01)

Mosaic RGB Precision Aligned (82001-01)


A Visual Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) multi-band mosaic provided at native resolution and georeferenced.

Deliverable List

RGB Mosaic (Preliminary)*GeoTiffVisual RGB multi-band, native resolution, and non-georeferenced raster
RGB MosaicGeoTiffVisual RGB multi-band, native resolution, and georeferenced raster
* Delivered only in some cases

Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change (83002-01)


Summarizes the green pixels (i.e., vegetative cover) within a plot. Uniformity describes variation at the plot-level using statistical summary of sub-plot-level data. Change describes the difference between measurment from a previous date.

Deliverable List

Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and ChangeShapefile, GeoJSON, CSVPlot-level summary statistics
Subplot: Canopy Cover (%)GeoTiffCanopy Cover (%) subplot variability

Data Attributes

Plot Canopy Cover with Uniformity and Change
AttributeDescriptionUnits MetricUnits Imperial
Canopy Cover (%) <DD-Mon>Percent of the plot covered by vegetation
Canopy Cover Area (m^2) <DD-Mon>Area of the plot covered by vegetation
Canopy Cover - Median Subplot (%) <DD-Mon>Median of the subplot canopy cover %
Canopy Cover - Subplot Std. Dev. (%) <DD-Mon>Standard Deviation of the subplot canopy cover %
Canopy Cover - Min Subplot (%) <DD-Mon>Min of the subplot canopy cover %
Canopy Cover - Max Subplot (%) <DD-Mon>Max of the subplot canopy cover %
Canopy Cover - Subplot Range (%) <DD-Mon>Range of the subplot canopy cover %
Canopy Cover Change (%) <DD-Mon> - <DD-Mon>Change in percent of plot covered by vegetation
Canopy Cover Change (m^2) <DD-Mon> - <DD-Mon>Change in area of plot covered by vegetation
Canopy Cover Change Rate (%/day) <DD-Mon> - <DD-Mon>Rate of change of percent of plot covered by vegetation
Canopy Cover Change Rate (m^2/day) <DD-Mon> - <DD-Mon>Rate of change of area of plot covered by vegetation
Days Since Last Obserevation (days) <DD-Mon> - <DD-Mon>Duration between current and previous observation