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Product Specification

Product Name:Plot Canopy Height
Product SKU:71206-00
Revision Date:2024-09-04

Product Overview


Plot Canopy Height characterizes height using 3D reconstruction derived from RGB imagery and is related to measurements of leaf canopy height and can be used to assess growth stage or crop damage. Canopy height represents the distance between the soil and leaf canopy surfaces and in some case may not be the same measurement as plant height (i.e., depending on manual measurement methods). This product utilizes a precision-aligned orthomosaic derived from high-resolution RGB imagery.

Recommended Use Cases

  • Plant Growth
  • Plant Height
  • Biomass
  • Plot Quality
  • Plot Deactivation
  • Area of Interest Variability

Supported Crops

  • Corn/Maize
  • Soybean
  • Cotton
  • Small Grain
  • Canola/OSR

Deliverables Summary

  • Mosaic RGB and Elevation (Digital Surface Model) Precision Aligned
  • Plot Canopy Height


General Requirements

  • Requires FieldAgent Enterprise License (61006-##) or Enterprise Analytics Upload/Export Surcharge (71010-09)
  • Requires Plot Project Setup (71200-00)
  • Imagery collected following all "Data Capture Requirements"
  • Imagery uploaded to the FieldAgent Field created by Plot Project Setup (71200-00)
  • Contract Defined - Mosaic Based submitted for "Plot Canopy Height (71206-00)" for uploaded Survey
  • Alleys (i.e., bare soil) between plots greater than 10 ft (3 m) or a minimum of 12 ground truth measurements captured on the date of the flight to calibrate height results, for larger fields 1 measurment per acre(2 per hectare) is recommended
  • Optional: Soil elevation data file from a RTK GPS equipped planter. Ground truth measurements are required when using soil elevation data from a separate source such as RTK GPS equipped planter
  • Lidar: Lidar point cloud data with sufficient detail can be used as a subsitite for RGB imagery for canopy height results. When Lidar point cloud data is used, RGB based mosaics will not be included in the product delivery

Data Capture Requirements

Imagery Type

  • RGB (Global Shutter)

Ground Sample Distance

  • Less than 1.7cm

Timing by Crop

Crop Timing/Growth StagePlant Size
Corn/MaizeV6 to R4Greater than 2 ft (0.6 m) height
SoybeanV4 to R6Greater than 1 ft (0.3 m) height
CottonAfter 50% canopy coverGreater than 1 ft (0.3 m) height
Small GrainAfter 50% canopy coverGreater than 1 ft (0.3 m) height
Canola/OSRAfter 50% canopy coverGreater than 1 ft (0.3 m) height
Flight Specifications vary by Timing of Data Capture

Flight Specifications

SensorAltitudeSpeedOverlapFlight DirectionBufferHeadingGimbal PitchTerrain Informed
Phantom 4 Pro100ft (30m)5mph (2m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Phantom 4 RTK100ft (30m)5mph (2m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Zenmuse X4S100ft (30m)5mph (2m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Mavic 3 Enterprise100ft (30m)10mph (4m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Mavic 3 Multispectral100ft (30m)10mph (4m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
Zenmuse P1 (35mm)200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
65R200ft (60m)15mph (7m/s)85%Any50ft (15m)Forward-90° (Nadir)Off
If trial size is < 2.5 acres (< 1 Ha) user may choose to fly at half altitude and half speed for better canopy height detail.

Environmental Conditions

Imagery should be captured between the time of 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset. Consistent lighting conditions required for best results, including avoidance of hard shadows cast over the field which cause bright spots and dark spots in the dataset.
Wind conditions should be within the specified limits of the aircraft or system being used to carry the imaging sensor.
There should be no active precipitation during imagery capture.



AnalyticImageryRGB (Global Shutter)
Mosaic RGB and Elevation (Digital Surface Model) Precision Aligned (82105-01)
Plot Canopy Height (83008-00)

Mosaic RGB and Elevation (Digital Surface Model) Precision Aligned (82105-01)


A Visual Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) multi-band mosaic and an elevation digital surface model (DSM) single-band mosaic provided at native resolution and georeferenced.

Deliverable List

RGB Mosaic (Preliminary)*GeoTiffVisual RGB multi-band, native resolution, and non-georeferenced raster
Elevation Mosaic (Preliminary)*GeoTiffDSM single-band, full-resolution, and non-georeferenced raster
RGB MosaicGeoTiffVisual RGB multi-band, native resolution, and georeferenced raster
Elevation MosaicGeoTiffDSM single-band, full-resolution, and georeferenced raster
* Delivered only in some cases

Plot Canopy Height (83008-00)


Canopy height summarizes the difference between the digital surface model of the crop canopy from the digital elevation model of the soil surface using photogrammetric reconstruction to determine height within a plot as well as variability of canopy height within a plot. Canopy height typically measures the tops of the crop leaves and dense vegetative areas within the plot. Fine plant features that may stick above the canopy are not necesarily represented in the canopy height measurement (e.g. corn tassels).

Deliverable List

Plot Canopy HeightShapefile, GeoJSON, CSVPlot-level summary statistics
Canopy HeightGeoTiffCanopy height precision-aligned raster

Data Attributes

Plot Canopy Height
AttributeDescriptionUnits MetricUnits Imperial
Canopy Height - Average (m) <DD-Mon>Average canopy height of the plot
Canopy Height - Minimum (m) <DD-Mon>Minimum canopy height of the plot
Canopy Height - 10th Percentile (m) <DD-Mon>10th percentile canopy height of the plot
Canopy Height - 90th Percentile (m) <DD-Mon>90th percentile canopy height of the plot
Canopy Height - Max (m) <DD-Mon>Maximum canopy height of the plot
Canopy Height - Std. Dev. (m) <DD-Mon>Standard deviation of canopy height of the plot
Canopy Height - CoV <DD-Mon>Coefficient of variation of canopy height of the plot